Higher brick piers and curved brick planters
Work continuing on a Saturday. And this will be the last day for quite a while, as temperatures are forecast to drop below zero for the best part of next week.
This March is much colder than average, but we knew for a while that we were taking a risk with the weather. Although, don't you always - it could rain flat out for weeks in April.
The wall has now reached its full length into the garden, and at that point, almost its full height: all that's missing is the tile creasing and 'brick on edge' to top it all off.
Lenny and Jim at work.

If you look closely, you can see Lenny's bricklayers' line:
But you have to be quick to take any pictures - because so is he!

The whole thing is finished off with this blue tarpaulin (about which I thought, when we bought it three years ago: "OMG, what are we going to do with this? It's massive!").
The garden is now a mucky mess.
The director's chair is empty (neither Konni nor Lenny in it).
The bricks have all been 'hodded' through to the back. And there aren't enough of them. We'll need to get another 150 or so. Same for the ready-mixed 'just add water' lime mortar. I reckon we need about another 18 bags, but the 'big stocktake' has to happen today...
Ahh, can't wait to use these planters. Still pondering: kitchen herbs, lavender, a small olive tree (with restricted roots), a David Austin rose? Fragen ueber fragen! #firstworldpains :-)